DynaPDF Manual - Page 156
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Function Reference
Page 156 of 839
Embedding ICC Profiles
The function embeds by default the device profile in the image file if color management is enabled
and if the image format supports embedded ICC profiles. At time of publication JPEG 2000, PNG,
and the TIFF encoder support embedded ICC profiles.
However, the JPEG 2000 encoder has only limited support for embedded ICC profiles. A profile is
embedded only if loss-less encoding is used. Loss-less encoding is used if the JPEG quality is set to 0
or 100 or -1000.
It is also possible to disable embedding of ICC profiles with the flag cfIgnoreICCProfile.
Return values:
When the function succeeds the return value is 1. When the function fails the return value is 0.
AddRenderingIntent (obsolete)
SI32 pdfAddRenderingIntent(
const PPDF* IPDF,
// Instance pointer
const char* ICCFile) // File path of the ICC profile
This function was incorrectly named. The correct name is AddOutputIntent(). Please use the
correctly named version instead.
AddRenderingIntentEx (obsolete)
SI32 pdfAddRenderingIntentEx(
const PPDF* IPDF,
// Instance pointer
const void* Buffer, // File buffer of an ICC profile
UI32 BufSize)
// Buffer size in bytes
This function was incorrectly named. The correct name is AddOutputIntentEx(). Please use the
correctly named version instead.
SI32 pdfAddValToChoiceField(
const PPDF* IPDF,
// Instance pointer
UI32 Field,
// Handle of a combo box or list box
const char* ExpValue, // Export value (can be NULL)
const char* Value,
// Visible choice value (required)
LBOOL Selected)
// Select this values?
This function adds a value to a choice field. The parameter Field must be a handle of a combo box or
list box. The parameter ExpValue defines the export value that will be submitted to a web server if
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