DynaPDF Manual - Page 784
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Function Reference
Page 784 of 839
LBOOL pdfSetPrintSettings(
const PPDF* IPDF,
// Instance pointer
TDuplexMode Mode,
// See below
SI32 PickTrayByPDFSize,
// 1 = true, 0 = false, -1 = app default
UI32 NumCopies,
// 0 = app default, max = 5
TPrintScaling PrintScaling, // See below
UI32* PrintRanges,
// Optional start/end page number pairs
UI32 NumRanges)
// Number of ranges
typedef enum
dpmNone, // Default
typedef enum
psAppDefault, // Default
The function adds preferred print settings to the PDF file. Viewer applications use the print settings
to initialize the print dialog. Print ranges, if set, consist of two numbers which define the start and
end page number that should be printed.
Return values:
If the function succeeds the return value is 1. If the function fails the return value is 0.
LBOOL pdfSetProgressProc(
const PPDF* IPDF,
// Instance pointer
const void* Data,
// User defined pointer
const void* InitProgress, // Initialization callback function
const void* Progress)
// Progress callback function
typedef SI32 TProgType;
#define ptImportPage
0 // Start page import
#define ptWritePage
1 // Start writing a page to file or buffer
#define ptPrintPage
2 // Start printing the PDF file
#define ptConvertPage 3 // Start converting the PDF file (Optimize(), CheckConformance())
#define PDF_CALL __stdcall
// Windows only, otherwise empty
typedef void PDF_CALL TInitProgressProc(
const void* Data,
// User defined pointer
TProgType ProgType,
// Current process, see above
SI32 MaxCount);
// The number of callback function calls
typedef SI32 PDF_CALL TProgressProc(
const void* Data,
// User defined pointer
SI32 ActivePage);
// Current page number
Previous topic: ZUGFeRD, ZUGFeRD 2.0, Factur-X / ZUGFeRD 2.1/2.2, ZUGFeRD 2.1 or higher
Next topic: Return values of the progress callback function:, SetRenderingIntent