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Function Reference
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SI32 pdfSetMetaConvFlags(
const PPDF* IPDF, // Instance pointer
TMetaFlags Flags) // see below
typedef UI32 TMetaFlags;
#define mfDefault
0x00000000 // No flags
#define mfDebug
0x00000001 // Insert debug comments
#define mfShowBounds
0x00000002 // Show the bounding boxes of text
#define mfNoTextScaling
0x00000004 // Do not scale text records
#define mfClipView
0x00000008 // Clip the output rectangle
#define mfUseRclBounds
0x00000010 // Use the raw bounding box rclBounds
#define mfNoClippingRgn
0x00000040 // Ignore clipping regions
#define mfNoFontEmbedding
0x00000080 // Don't embed fonts used by the EMF
#define mfNoImages
0x00000100 // Ignore image records
#define mfNoStdPatterns
0x00000200 // Ignore standard hatch patterns
#define mfNoBmpPatterns
0x00000400 // Ignore bitmap patterns
#define mfNoText
0x00000800 // Ignore text records
#define mfUseUnicode
0x00001000 // Use always Unicode to print text
#define mfUseTextScaling
0x00004000 // Scale text (see description)
#define mfNoUnicode
0x00008000 // Avoid the usage of Unicode fonts
#define mfFullScale
0x00010000 // Scale coordinates to Windows size
#define mfUseRclFrame
0x00020000 // See description
#define mfDefBkModeTransp
0x00040000 // Initial backg. mode is transparent
#define mfApplyBidiAlgo
0x00080000 // Apply the bidirectional algorithm
#define mfGDIFontSelection 0x00100000 // Use the GDI to select fonts
#define mfRclFrameEx
0x00200000 // See description
#define mfSrcCopy_Only
0x00800000 // See description
#define mfClipRclBounds
0x01000000 // See description
#define mfDisableRasterEMF 0x02000000 // Disable the EMF rasterizer
#define mfNoBBoxCheck
0x04000000 // Disable the bbox check
#define mfDontSkipROP_DPa
0x10000000 // If set, the ROP code 0x00A000C9 (DPa) is considered in
// BitBlt, StretchBlt, TranparentBlt, and AlphaBlend records.
// This kind of ROP code combines a pattern brush with the
// backdrop. If the flag mfDisableRasterEMF is absent, the
// usage of such a ROP code causes that the file is rendered
// to an image.
#define mfCurrComprFilter
0x20000000 // If set, the currently active compression filter is used to
// compress the image (see SetCompressionFilter()).
// This flag is used only if the file is rastered to an image.
// Obsolete flags -> These flags are ignored, do not longer use them!
#define mfUseSpacingArray
0x0020 // Enabled by default
#define mfIntersectClipRect 0x2000 // Enabled by default
The function sets specific flags to control the conversion of metafiles. The flags are described in
detail on the next page. This function cannot fail the return value is always 1.
If set, the bidirectional algorithm is applied on Unicode strings. This
flag must be set to process Hebrew text correctly.
If set, the EMF file is drawn into a clipping rectangle in the size of the
rclBounds rectangle. This flag can be useful if the EMF file contains
objects outside the rclBounds rectangle.
If set, the metafile is drawn into a clipping rectangle in the size of the
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