DynaPDF Manual - Page 750

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Function Reference
Page 750 of 839
If set, the import algorithm performs a duplicate check on recourse objects like
images, templates, fonts, and so on, as well as on many other objects. This flag
can be useful if a PDF file must be split into separate files and if these files
must be merged again into one PDF file. Such an action would normally lead
to many double objects in the resulting PDF file.
The duplicate check is computation intensive and must be applied for all PDF
files which will be imported.
Import resources as is. This flag can significantly imporove the loading time of
pages with a huge resource tree. This flag should only be set in viewer
applications to improve the loading time of pages.
If set, the encryption settings of an enrypted PDF file are copied to the
document in memory when OpenImportFile() or OpenImportBuffer() is called.
This makes it possible to edit and save a PDF file without loosing the
encryption settings. The PDF file must be closed with CloseFile() or
CloseAndSignFile(), for example since CloseFileEx() would override the
encryption settings.
If set, DPart dictionaries are not imported. DPart stands for Document Parts, a
feature of PDF/VT.
LBOOL pdfSetItalicAngle(
const PPDF* IPDF, // Instance pointer
double Angle)
// Angle alpha in degrees
The property ItalicAngle is used to emulate an italic font if the font is not available in an italic style.
To avoid emulation set the angle to zero.
The italic angle must not be smaller than -30 degrees and not larger than 30 degrees.
Default value = 14.0
Return values:
If the function succeeds the return value is 1. If the function fails the return value is 0.

Previous topic: SetImportFlags2

Next topic: SetJPEGQuality, SetLanguage, Language Identifiers