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Function Reference
Page 659 of 839
RenderPDFFile (obsolete)
LBOOL pdfRenderPDFFile(
const PPDF* IPDF,
// PDF Instance pointer
const char* OutFile,
// File name or directory
UI32 Resolution,
// Resolution in DPI
TRasterFlags Flags,
// Optional flags
TPDFPixFormat PixFmt,
// Output pixel format
TCompressionFilter Filter, // Compression filter for TIFF output
TImageFormat Format)
// Output image format
This function is obsolete and should no longer be used. New applications should use
RenderPDFFileEx() instead.
Return values:
If the function succeeds the return value is 1. If the function fails the return value is 0.
LBOOL pdfRenderPDFFileEx(
const PPDF* IPDF,
// PDF Instance pointer
const char* OutFile,
// File name or directory
UI32 Resolution,
// Resolution in DPI
SI32 Width,
// or output width
SI32 Height,
// or output height
TRasterFlags Flags,
// Optional flags
TPDFPixFormat PixFmt,
// Output pixel format
TCompressionFilter Filter, // Compression filter for TIFF output
TImageFormat Format)
// Output image format
The function renders all PDF pages which are currently in memory and stores the result in a
proprietary image format. The pages in memory could be imported from one or more external PDF
files, e.g. with ImportPDFFile(), created with DynaPDF functions, or a combination of both.
The parameter OutFile can be a path to an existing directory or the file name of the output image.
The latter type can be used with TIFF images because this format supports multi-page output. When
a file path is used with a single page image format only the first page will be rendered.
The function calls the Ansi C function stat() to determine whether the path is a directory or a file
name. A path to a directory must not end with a slash or backslash because stat() cannot identify a
directory in this case.
RenderPDFFile() and RenderPageToImage() use internally the same code and support therefore the
same features. Please read also the description of RenderPageToImage().
The function can render pages in a specific resolution, or scale them to a given width or height.
Depending on which parameters are set the image size is calculated as follows:

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