DynaPDF Manual - Page 470
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Function Reference
Page 470 of 839
double pdfGetOpacity(
const PPDF* IPDF) // Instance pointer
The function returns the opacity value used to draw the visible appearance of an annotation
(requires Acrobat 5 or higher). A value of 1 determines that the annotation is completely opaque. If
the value is zero, newly created annotations will be invisible. The opacity flag is not supported by
all annotation types.
At time of publication the opacity property is used for annotations only. Later versions of DynaPDF
use this property may be for other PDF objects too.
SI32 pdfGetOrientation(
const PPDF* IPDF) // Instance pointer
The function returns the orientation of the current open page if an open page was detected or the
default orientation for newly created pages if no open page was detected.
The orientation is measured in degrees; it is also always a multiple of 90 or 0.
Default value = 0 (Portrait)
LBOOL pdfGetOutputIntent(
const PPDF* IPDF,
// Instance pointer
UI32 Index,
// Array index
struct TPDFOutputIntent* Intent) // See below
struct TPDFOutputIntent
UI32 StructSize;
// Must be set to sizeof(TPDFOutputIntent)
BYTE* Buffer;
// ICC profile buffer (optional)
UI32 BufSize;
// Buffer size in bytes
char* InfoA;
// Info string or name of the ICC profile
UI16* InfoW;
// Info string or name of the ICC profile
UI32 NumComponents;
// Number of components
char* OutputConditionA;
// Describtion of the output device
UI16* OutputConditionW;
// Describtion of the output device
char* OutputConditionIDA; // Describtion of the output device
UI16* OutputConditionIDW; // Describtion of the output device
char* RegistryNameA;
// The registry in which OutputConditionID is
UI16* RegistryNameW;
// defined.
char* SubType;
Previous topic: GetOCUINode
Next topic: GetOutputIntentCount, GetPageAnnot (obsolete)