DynaPDF Manual - Page 422
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Function Reference
Page 422 of 839
Font weights:
100 - 300
// Ultra light, Light
400 - 500
// Standard
600 - 1000 // Bold, Extra bold
double pdfGetFTextHeight(
const PPDF* IPDF,
// Instance pointer
TTextAlign Align,
// Base text alignment
const char* AText) // Formatted text
typedef enum
The function measures the height of a formatted text block. Before calling this function a font (see
SetFont()) and the output rectangle must be set with the function SetTextRect(). The parameter
Height of SetTextRect() should be set to -1 to avoid page breaks. Otherwise the height of the first text
block is returned that fits into the given height of the rectangle.
The parameter AText must contain the same text (incl. format tags if any) as which should be
printed later with WriteFText().
This function is implemented in an Ansi and Unicode compatible version.
Return values:
If the function succeeds the return value is the height of the formatted text block. If the function fails
the return value is a negative error code.
double pdfGetFTextHeightEx(
const PPDF* IPDF,
// Instance pointer
double Width,
// Width of output rectangle
TTextAlign Align,
// Base text alignment
const char* AText) // Formatted text
The function measures the height of a formatted text block. The function works in the same way as
GetFTextHeight() but the output rectangle must not be set manually beforehand.
The height of the output rectangle is set to -1 to avoid a page break during measuring.
Previous topic: GetFontSearchOrder, GetFontSelMode, GetFontSize, GetFontWeight
Next topic: GetGlyphIndex, GetGlyphOutline