DynaPDF Manual - Page 390
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Function Reference
Page 390 of 839
The function retrieves the properties of an embedded file node. The member StructSize of the
structure TPDFEmbFileNode must be set to sizeof(TPDFEmbFileNode) before the function can be
Return values:
If the function succeeds the return value is 1. If the function fails the return value is 0.
double pdfGetEMFPatternDistance(
const PPDF* IPDF) // Instance pointer
The function returns the distance between lines of standard patterns during EMF conversion.
Default value = 4.0
LBOOL pdfGetErrLogMessage(
const PPDF* IPDF,
// Instance pointer
UI32 Index,
// Array index
struct TPDFError* Err) // see below
struct TPDFError
StructSize; // Must be initialized to sizeof(TPDFError)
const char* Message;
// The error message
// PDF object number or -1 if not available
// File offset or -1 if not available
const char* SrcFile;
// Source file
// Source line
// ErrCode and ErrType are set if the error mode was set to emUseErrLog.
// ErrCode and ErrType are set if the error mode was set to emUseErrLog.
The function returns an error object of the internal error log. The function
GetErrLogMessageCount() returns the number of available error messages.
DynaPDF uses the error log to store non-fatal errors or warnings when it is not required to break
processing or if more detailed error information should be provided than is possible with the
normal exception handling.
For example, when opening a damaged PDF file with OpenImportFile() the function tries first to
open the file in normal mode. All errors which occur in this step are written to the error log.
Depending on the kind of found errors, the function maybe falls back into repair mode and reads
the file again. If this action is successful then the function returns with success and no error message
is provided over the normal exception handling. So, you'll not notice that the file contained damages
unless you take a look into the error log.
Previous topic: GetEmbeddedFileCount, GetEmbeddedFileNode
Next topic: GetErrLogMessageCount, GetErrorMessage