DynaPDF Manual - Page 322

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Function Reference
Page 322 of 839
SI32 aType, annotCount = pdfGetAnnotCount(pdf);
for (SI32 i = 0; i < annotCount; i++)
if ((aType = pdfGetAnnotType(pdf, i)) < 0) break;
if ((TAnnotType)aType == atWebLink)
pdfDeleteAnnotation(pdf, i);
LBOOL pdfDeleteAnnotationFromPage(
const PPDF* IPDF, // Instance pointer
UI32 PageNum,
// Page number from which to delete the annotation
UI32 Handle)
// Annotation handle
The function deletes an annotation from a page. Typical annotations which are shared among pages
are Watermark and Stamp annotations. PageNum is the page number from which the annotation
should be deleted. The first page is denoted by 1.
Return values:
If the function succeeds the return value is 1. If the function fails the return value is 0.
SI32 pdfDeleteAppEvents(
const PPDF* IPDF,
// Instance pointer
LBOOL ApplyEvent,
// Apply the visibility state Event before deletion?
TOCAppEvent Event) // Will be ignored if ApplyEvent is false
The function deletes all application events if any. The function can optionally apply the visibility
state of an event before the application events will be deleted. The new visibility state will be stored
in the PDF file. To apply the visibility state of a specific event without deletion call
ApplyAppEvent() instead.
Return values:
If the function succeeds and if application events were deleted the return value is 1. If the no
application events were defined the return value is 0. If the function fails the return value is a
negative error code.

Previous topic: DeleteAltFontList, DeleteAnnotation

Next topic: DeleteBookmark, DeleteDPartNode, DeleteEmbeddedFile